Weekly Recap

Weekly Review

6:00:00 AMUnknown

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Monday: Boredom. It’s a state we’ve all experienced, and it’s one that demands to be addressed. But how to go about curing boredom? Benj prods us to re-examine our solutions to being bored in “Beset by Boredom”.

Tuesday: Hannah details her experience with phenomenology in “Escaping the Whirlpool: The Role of Hope in Philosophy”. Beset by so many concerns, questions, and doubts, modern philosophy so often leaves its adherents despairing. For Hannah, the call to be alive found in phenomenology and personalism is a rescuing force.

Wednesday: Everybody likes Vikings (maybe not the Minnesota ones). Joe taps into this interest while he ponders the riddle of fate. In his “Vikings, Plutarch, and the Reversal of Fortunes”, the popular History channel series is used to provide examples of how often the wheel of fortune turns.

Thursday: Alex, our resident science correspondent, pens the piece “On the Reality of Gravity Waves”. Part of an Einsteinian view of space-time, gravity waves are argued not to matter so much as a simple datum in themselves, but rather as pieces of the overall narrative of contemporary science and the human endeavor to understand the cosmos.

Friday: Catherine offers her outlook on college in “Education and the Danger of ‘To-Do’”. With all the demands placed on today’s student, it is easy to sink into a mentality of considering one’s work as mere tasks to be completed. This is argued to be detrimental to overall process of education, pulling the student away from the higher realities study is supposed to open the mind to.

All of us here at Truth from the Heart wish our Christian readers a prayerful Holy Week and Easter. We’ll have new posts available again the twenty-eighth.

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