The last post I wrote concerned a movie, or rather a trilogy of movies, which disappointed me. This week, I went back sixty years to give an hour of my attention to a film which actually gives the viewer something to take away, something to ponder at the end of their day. The film was Country Girl, starring Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, and William Holden, and what I took away was an interesting, yet apparently archaic principle practiced by our apparently ignorant forefathers. That principle: faithfulness.

These old-fashioned morals seem to be going out of style or at least appear too difficult to practice. These romantic ideals seem to be just that: ideals. Dreamy notions. Unrealistic and out of reach. It may be that I believe in these principles because I am a romantic dreamer. But I like to believe that my concept of faithfulness stems from the shining witness of my parents and my relationship with them. I remember as a child I knew that my parents would always be there for me when I needed them. When I was afraid, I knew I could run into my father or mother's arms. When I was lonely and sad, I knew comfort and love were not far away. This is the faithfulness a child knows. Faithfulness, which no one can rightly call outdated, is woven into the fabric of our humanity, written into our inherent needs, wants and desires. We want to be loved thoroughly and exclusively til the end of our days. Therefore, I could never comprehend the modern understanding that when we leave our parents and the safety of their always open arms we should not continue to practice faithfulness or continue to expect it from others, particularly our husbands and wives.

Let it be said - I am not trying to make light of marriages which involve violence or estranged mental illnesses which are hidden from unsuspecting spouses. It is a grave and serious tragedy for a marriage to suffer from any addiction or disease. And if and when violence ensues, the victim must flee the situation. That being said, as the divorce rate increases and our ability to commit to relationships decreases, I believe it is time to call upon the principles and values of our grandparents to teach us a thing or two about the vow "til death do us part." The faithfulness I'm talking about can withstand circumstances which demand heroic sacrifices and heroic love, as well as petty fights and measly squabbles. This type of love is symbolized most adequately by Grace Kelly's role and the roles many wives play every day. Real, sometimes gritty, always strong, love: imperfect, yet steadfast, true and faithful.

When you first fall in love, it seems that your beloved can do no wrong. You may be blind to their faults, only seeing their strengths and their potential for greatness and most importantly, holiness. This blindness is paradoxical because, in actuality, you are seeing their true selves, the person they are meant to be, in their most radiant form. "Only those who love see, and only those who see most clearly, love most deeply." (16) This Tabor vision is not an illusion and should not be forgotten when the faults of our beloved are finally exposed. We must recall their true selves, their unique beauty, and keep before our eyes the memory of every moment they exhibited great virtues, great holiness and great love. This vision of the beloved will aid in our attempts to be faithful. "For it belongs to the "pact of love" that you promise your spouse not to isolate their faults from the totality of their person. A lover worthy of the name always strives to look beyond faults and see their beloved from within, against the background of his lovable personality." (33)
Alice von Hildebrand, By Love Refined: Letters to a Young Bride, 16-33.
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An excellent piece. It should be required reading- not just for engaged couples, but married couple as well.
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